Research Supervisor

Research Supervisor


Details of Research Guides and Research Scholars Registered/Awarded


SrNo Name of the Research Guide Name of the students Title of Research Date of Registration Date of Award Status 
 1 DR.  More         


Awarded : 06

Ongoing : 03

 Dr. V B  Ganipurkar Aerobiological study over green gram & black gram field at UMRI Dist. Nanded .    4.04.2012 Awarded
  Mirza   Kahekasham   Tanveer Studies on ecology & Diversity of Plant Growth promoting Rhizobacteria in Marathwada region  23.07.2009   Ongoing
  Miss. Minhaj  Arshiya Studies on ecology, Divercity & Parasitism of  xanthomonas spp. in Marathwada region .  23.07.2009 17/20.11.2014 Awarded
 Mr. K M  Shendge Studies on biocontroll methods against diseases of chillies.   20.03.2015 Awarded
 Dr. P D  Deshmukh Roll of Cell wall degrading enzymes in plant pathogensis.   18.07.2009 Awarded
 Dr. Syed Ismail
 Moula Saheb
Studies on interrelations of physical, chemical & biological variables in the deterioration of stored pulses.   24.12.2007 Awarded
 Dr. M G  Fawade Applications of Higher plants in control of fungal diseases of serials.   10.04.2008 Awarded
  Mr. Y L  Khandare Pharmacological studies on some medicinal plants in Nanded districts.     Ongoing
 Miss. J K  Mawade Studies of storage mycoflora of some medicinal plants.     Ongoing
 2 DR. P Susheela   


Awarded : Nil

Ongoing : 07

  Jamed Ahmed  Musaed Mohd.  Elayah       Ongoing
  Sameer Shaikh       Ongoing
  Mr. S S Potdar       Ongoing
  Mr. N R Bhojane       Ongoing
 Mr. N S Dhuppe       Ongoing
 Mr. A B Bhosikar       Ongoing
 Mr. Laik Shaikh       Ongoing
 3 DR. P G Yerekar


   Awarded : 02

Ongoing : 06

 Mr. M M  Shivshette Samkalinta ke pariprekshya me Rajesh Joshi Ki Kavya (PG/Ph D/Regin/2009-10/3132-2 Dt. 1.1.2010) 28.07.2009   Ongoing
 Mr. K N Badgire       Ongoing
 Mr. R B Shelke Shri Bhagwaticharan Verma ke upanyason me chitrit nari ke vibhinna rup (PG/Ph D/Regin/2009-10/3224-2 Dt. 26.12.2009) 29.07.2009   Ongoing
Mr N S Warle Nasira Sharma ke upanyason me chitrit Stri Vimarsh (PG/Ph D/Regin/2009-10/3636-2 Dt. 27.1.2010) 31.07.2009   Ongoing
 Mr. R P Waghmare Dr. Shankar Puntambekar ke nibandh sahitya me abhivyakta vyangya (PG/Ph D/Regin/2010-11/3828-2 Dt. 29.03.2011) 23.09.2010   Ongoing
 Mr. N S Pendkar Maitreyi pushpa ke upanyason me vyakta chintan ke vividh aayam (PG/Ph D/Regin/2008-09/54-2 Dt. 11.04.2009) 27.02.2009   Ongoing
 Dr. P B Shinde Udayprakash ke katha sahitya anushilan(PG/Ph D/Hindi/Notification/2013-14/1804-7) 2.09.2010 14.10.2013 Awarded
 Dr. S N  Bhadarge Omprakash Valmiki ke sahitya me chitrit yathartha (PG/Ph D/Hindi/2013-14/4767-7) 23.09.2010 30.04.2014 Awarded
 4 DR. K S Kanse


 Awarded: 01

Ongoing : 02


 Mr. D N Rander   Awarded        (14-03-2016)  Microwave Dielectric Dispersion  Studies of
Polyhydric Sugar Alcohols
01.07.2011 14.03.2016 Awarded
 Miss. J B Shinde A Study of Molecular Relaxation Properties of Aqueous Solutions 09.12.2014   Ongoing
 Mr. R N Mathpati Study of dynamics of water in Polymer Matrix by Dielectric Measurement 09.12.2014   Ongoing
 5. DR. S S Jadhav


 Awarded :  01

 Ongoing : 05

 Dr. S A Vibhute       Awarded
 Mr. D S Jadhav       Ongoing
 Mr. V L Pardeshi       Ongoing
 Mr. R M Sali       Ongoing
 Mr. S P Tak       Ongoing
 Mr. M C  Bhalerao       Ongoing
 6 DR. S B Patwari


  Awarded : Nil

Ongoing :  04



 Mr. S N Hallale       Ongoing
 Mr. N S  Kaminwar       Ongoing
 Mr. S L  Nakkalwar In water and on water multicomponent reactions for the synthesis of biological active compounds     Ongoing
 Mr. R G Shaikh       Ongoing
 7 DR.  S G Gavane


 Awarded : Nil

Ongoing : 03

 Mr. D P  Sonkamble Ambedkarvadi kavitetil jeevan janivencha Shod (Vishesh Sandharbh: Marathvadyatil Nivdak Kavi) 12.12.2014   Ongoing
 Mr. V D Jadhav Sheshrao Mohite yanchya Smagra Sahityacha Chikitsak Abhyas 12.12.2014   Ongoing
 Mr. V B Shinde Marathitil Nivdak Manovishleshanatmak Kandambari : Ek Abhyas 12.12.2014   Ongoing


Total Registered students for Ph D           : 40

Ongoing                                                              : 30

Ph D Awarded Students                                 : 10

Thesis Submitted                                            : 00

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1 List of Research Supervisors 2018-2023


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